Act Belong Commit

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Catch Music

Act Belong Commit

Catch Music members share how they maintain their physical, social, and mental well-being through music.

Catch Music is an adorable and fun experience. An exploring opportunity for everyone. I love the people. The sessions make me feel warm and happy. They make me feel amazing! I’ve been attending the Leederville group since the start 2014 and I've doing gigs all around.

I think Catch Music is freaking awesome.

Maria Ciminata, Act Belong Commit Catch Music LEEDERVILLE

Act Belong Commit Journals

Journaling is a great way to set goals and track your progress. It can also be a source of creative ideas; from drawings to collages to song sketches - journaling boosts your creativity and mental health.

Get the Catch Music journal at sessions or download a pdf copy from the link below.


Courtesy of Action For Happiness

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